Chapter 1



“And Moses said unto Hobab, the son of Ra-guel the Midi-an-ite, Moses’ father in law, We are journeying unto the place of which the Lord said, I will give it you: come thou with us, and we will do thee good: for the Lord hath spoken good concerning Isra-el.” (Numbers 10:29)  


“We are journeying”

My friend, listen to me as I speak most clearly and speak directly to you of your very own eternal destiny and eternal welfare. Almighty Jehovah God created you as an eternal soul. Thus you will never cease to exist. Your extremely short stay on this planet Earth is a journey to your eternal abode into which you will enter when your earthly existence soon ceases. During your life on this Earth, you daily exercise the free will God created within you and thereby you yourself choose your own eternal home. This decision (where you choose to spend eternity), freely made by you, is by far the most important event in your entire life during your short earthly journey.

That earthly journey started with your conception or birth and ends with your physical death. You have no guarantee of even another moment of physical life here on earth. Death could overtake you at any moment, even at this very moment. Thus the Bible calls unto you: Now is the day of salvation.” And, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” Right now, consider this eternal choice (that is entirely yours alone to make for yourself) more seriously than any of the many other matters you consider and decide upon thru out your entire life on this earth.      

“Unto the place of which the Lord said, I will give it you.”

In this Scripture quoted above, Moses was speaking to Raguel of an earthly Promised Land that God was to give to His Chosen Nation, Israel. I am now writing to you of an Eternal Home in the Highest Heaven that the Saviour of the World, the Lord Jesus Christ, prepares for each and every human soul who will repent of his or her sins and trust in Jesus Christ to save them eternally. Listen to Jesus’ Wonderful Words full of hope and promise. If you will trust in Him, these promises with become yours forever.   

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.(John 14:1~6)

The Lord Jesus Christ is the One and Only Way to Heaven. He is God the Son. Jesus Christ is your Creator God and the Only Saviour available for all mankind. If you will put your trust in Him, He will save you from going to Hell to be forever punished for your sins. And instead, He will take you to God’s Blessed Heaven to abide forever.

Jesus Christ Himself is Truth. He will never lie to you nor deceive you. All the words in the King James 1611 Holy Bible are True. If you will trust in Christ and all the words in God’s Holy Bible, you will never be let down or disappointed.

Jesus Christ is Life, God’s Eternal Life. Jesus is also the Resurrection. If you will trust in Jesus as your own personal Saviour, at that time He will become your Resurrection and Life. After your death, He will resurrect you and take you into God’s Heaven to live a perfect life forever.

No human being can go unto God the Father in Heaven except by repenting unto God of one’s sins and trusting in Jesus Christ to be saved from going to Hell.

Almighty God in Heaven, please assure me that the above statements are all absolutely true.

“Come thou with us.”

I have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour and thus I am on my journey to God’s Splendid Heaven. I now most heartily invite you to come with me by putting your trust in The Lord Jesus Christ, just as I have done. I do not want you to be sent to Hell for the punishment of your sins. I do not want you to forever weep and wail and gnash your teeth being tormented in those eternal flames forever never to have any hope of being released from that awful burning.

Almighty God in Heaven, please save me from being so foolish as to doom myself to the eternal torments of Hell fire by rejecting Jesus Christ as my own personal Saviour.

Please read all of this book as I tell how blessed my life has been following the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ, as He leads me on my way to Heaven to be with Him forever. Please join us Christian believers and journey to Heaven with us.Come thou with us.” Whatever you do, don’t refuse this most wonderful invitation to come with us to Heaven.

“And we will do thee good.”

I want only the very best for you. True goodness and blessedness is found in The Lord Jesus Christ and in Him alone. CHRIST IS ALL! When you receive the Lord Jesus Christ, you receive all of God’s Good Things and you will keep them forever. 

Almighty God in Heaven, please stir up my heart to desire the Lord Jesus Christ far above anything else I desire. Please reveal to me exactly what is truly and eternally good.

“For the Lord hath spoken good concerning Isra-el.”

Israel is Almighty God’s Chosen Nation. Thru out the Bible, The Lord God speaks of the much good He forever does for Israel. By putting one’s faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, one becomes a child of God. In the Bible, God speaks of the much good He does for Christian believers. Read it yourself. Trust in Jesus Christ and thereby become a partaker of all God’s Eternal Goodness to Christian believers. Whatever you do, don’t be stupid enough and dumb enough to reject your Creator God’s Eternal Life and Blessedness freely offered to you by His Grace, and thus doom your own self to an Eternity of torment in the flames of Hell fire. 

My God and my Creator, please save me from being foolish enough to choose to condemn myself to eternal damnation, torment and retribution.  


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