Radio Sermons Audio

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“Abba Father in Heaven, thank Thee for Thy Calling unto me to exalt God’s Saviour to Mankind, the Lord Jesus Christ, in Japan, for 5 decades to date. Please help me to faithfully keep on the Firing Line for Thee in Japan, as long as I am on earth. In accordance to Thy Divine Will, please lead Fellow Christian Believers in English speaking nations to air these brief, salient Radio Sermons on radio stations in their area. I desire that this be done for Thy Great Glory, and for the edification of Christian believers and for the salvation of precious, lost, perishing souls who will hear the broadcasts. I humbly ask this of Thee in The High and Holy Name of Thine Only Begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, Who is Our Creator God and God’s Saviour to Mankind, and the ONE and ONLY Hope for ALL Mankind. Amen.” 


(Reader Friend, hopefully, any radio station disc jockey can broadcast any one of the Audio Sermons directly from this website.)



2024-7 “Ashamed of Mankind’s One and Only Hope” (14 min 57 sec)

2024-6 “Following Jesus, Bearing One’s Own Cross” (15 min 19 sec)

2024-5 “For What Shall It Profit a Man?” (15 min 30 sec)

2024-4 “I Shall Go to Him” (13 min 28 sec)

2024-3 “Three Police Bullets in His Torso” (15 min 35 sec)

2024-2 “Christ Receiveth Sinful Men” (21 min 3 sec)

2024-1 “The Man that Died for Me” (20 min 9 sec)


2023-8 “Whiter Than Snow” (15 min 35 sec)

2023-7 “No Man Cared for My Soul” (13 min 13 sec)

2023-6 “Jesus Christ, My Strength” (12 min 49 sec)

2023-5 “Without Jesus Christ, I Can Do Nothing” (12 min 29 sec)

2023-4 “Our Perfect Creator God” (10 min 59 sec)

2023-3 “Every Knee and Every Tongue” (12 min 37 sec)

2023-2 “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” (11 min 54 sec)

2023-1 “Whom Then Should I Fear” (13 min 56 sec)


