Dear Friend in Christ,

On the first Sunday in March, the daughter of one of my friends here in Matsuida attended church with me. She is about 15 years old. I have invited her to church after that, but she has not yet attended again. Please pray that she, her parents and two brothers will get saved. During the spring months, I have walked the streets several days, leaving Christian literature at each house, distributing about 8,000 pieces of literature. I pray that those who receive it will carefully read it and consider the Gospel messages in the literature. Please pray with me that many of them will trust in Christ as their Saviour.

On Sunday morning, April 9, I preached at the morning service in Pastor Hayashi’s house. There were only 5 of us at church that morning. I preached from Acts 16:16-25, explaining clearly that the spirit of divination in that damsel was an evil spirit from the devil, and that soothsayers (fortune tellers) get their knowledge and power from demons. One Japanese lady was quite shocked to hear that. It is a common custom for Japanese people to go to a fortune teller at New Years and have their fortune told, to learn what the coming year holds for them. So I preached most plainly to those present, telling them that God’s Holy Bible gives them all the instruction they need for their lives. I urged them to faithfully read and obey the Bible, and to cease having anything to do with the devil’s fortune tellers. Please pray that they will start obeying God in this matter. So many devilish customs are deeply engrained into these Japanese, making it difficult for new Christians here to break away from them. Please pray with me, for God to break those bonds of the enemy and guide these new Japanese believers into following God totally by completely obeying His Holy Bible. May God give us strong faith as we pray these things. The spiritual battle here is most intense. Your prayers make a great difference and I really appreciate them.

On Sunday morning, April 30, I again preached at the service in Pastor Hayashi’s house. Seven were present that morning. I continued with my previous text, and centered in on Acts 16:25. Oh what a wonderful verse. I told them how that Paul and Silas, beaten and fastened in stocks in jail at midnight, represents the darkest and most difficult times in our lives. Still, our God gives us songs in the night. (Job 35:10) I preached on the complete victory we have in Christ, no matter what situation we are in. I stressed the important fact that the other prisoners heard Paul and Silas singing. Then I compared that to the fact that there are people all around us who are prisoners of sin and Satan, and these “prisoners” need to hear us singing praises to God. I invited those six people to join me in singing and preaching out in public, but no one responded to that invitation at all. Each person was as quiet as a church mouse. Please pray for them to do God’s will for them regarding telling of, and singing of, their Lord and Saviour to the many lost souls around them.

The first week of May had 3 holidays here in Japan, and the main street in Karuizawa was crowded with tourists. It rained on Tuesday of that week. But for the other 5 days, I preached to that crowd of eternal souls for several hours each day. Several thousand people heard me, and a few of them took New Testaments and Christian literature that I had put out. Let’s pray that many of them will be saved.

From time to time, a 9th grade Filipino girl in my neighborhood comes to my house for me to help her with her English study. One time when she came in May, she was somewhat tired from a long day at school and didn’t want to study English another hour. So she said, “Let’s talk about God.” That was such beautiful music to my ears. Seldom does anyone here say anything like that to me. I handed her a Bible, took another Bible for myself, and had her read aloud some powerful passages in the Bible. As she read one verse at a time, I would pray that for her. Then I soon asked her to also pray those things for herself. How I rejoiced to hear her pray aloud for God to deliver her from the power of darkness and to translate her into Christ’s glorious kingdom, to forgive her and cleanse her sins with Christ’s shed blood, to give her true faith in God, and to give her eternal life, and such. I wish you could have been here and have seen how excited she got as she prayed for God to help her to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge and to be filled with all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:19) I hope that she was truly converted on that day. If not, I know she honestly opened her heart to God for His Holy Spirit to work in it. Please pray for her and her family to believe on Christ. They are good friends of mine.

I pray for God to protect you and your family members, to provide for you, to keep you faithfully serving Him, and to greatly bless the work you do for our Lord. Please pray for me to serve God zealously and do all I can to proclaim Christ here in central Japan. Less than one percent of the Japanese around me are Christian believers. I long to see God save many of them. Please pray for that. 

Thank you for caring for this missionary work here. Thank you for praying for me and these lost people I preach to. Those of you who give financial gifts to me are such a big help to me. May God richly bless you all and reward you abundantly for all you do.

Christ’s unprofitable servant,

Richard Yerby


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