Fall of 2010, September, October, and November.

Dear Friend in Christ,

My heart overflows with the Joy of the Lord Jesus Christ, and with thanksgiving to Almighty Jehovah God for His over abundant blessings that He pours out upon me in greater measure with each passing day. Truly our Lord God is rich beyond measure with His Mercy and Grace that he freely sheds upon us all.

Fall time is my favorite time of the year. I am writing this on the 1st day of December. The past 3 months gave me many days of sunny, calm, warm, (and lastly mild) days. I rejoiced to be outdoors much, labouring in the field of harvest for eternal souls. I distributed Christian literature on several days, and preached out in public most every day of those 3 months. In return for that, the Lord fills my heart to overflowing with the Joy of the Holy Spirit, and strengthens my faith to see lost Japanese souls repent and trust in Christ. Please keep interceding with me for their salvation.

God has been so good to me, as several churches continue to have me preach in their services periodically. I earnestly pray for God to give me the exact sermons they need, and pray that He pour out a powerful anointing of Holy Ghost Power upon them as I preach. At times, church members ask me for advice. May God help me to always tell them exactly what they need to hear. I so desire to see Japanese Christians give the Lord their all, lead their family members to Christ, and win many other souls to Him also. Please keep these things in mind as you pray for me and for this missionary work in Japan.

I pray for God’s greatest blessings upon you as you pray for me. As for you, who send me offerings, thank you so much for that great help. May God richly bless you for giving, and repay you many fold over. We are arriving at the end of another year. Thank God for keeping us safe and healthy, and providing so abundantly for us. May He enable each of us to fully surrender to His Divine Will for each of our lives, and to love Him with all our hearts. God be near and dear to you, as you live for Him.

In Christ’s service, Richard Yerby


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