“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour, and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Rev 4:11


On Valentines Day, many people’s hearts are full of lovely thoughts about the person they love the most. But on that very day in 1955, precious sweetheart Yoneko, a 17-year-old high school senior, stepped out onto the railroad tracks in front of an oncoming train to end her sad and lonely life.

In 1937, when Yoneko was born into a well-to-do Japanese family in Tokyo, she already had an older brother and sister. Her family worshipped idols and did not know Christ. But her mother was most gentle and kind; easily and naturally resulting in Yoneko making her mother her first love, and the one “thing” that Yoneko lived for.

But when Yoneko was in high school, her mother died of some sickness. That precious teenage girl was devastated. Her First Love, her “Life”, had suddenly vanished. I know from personal experience that it is a great grief for a child (during childhood) to suddenly lose a parent in death. That is one reason it is necessary for each child to be taught our Creator’s first and great commandment. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” (Matthew 22:37)

My Young Friend, your Creator God is Eternal, meaning He has no beginning and no end. He has always existed and always will exist. The reason you exist is because the One Eternal God created you for His Pleasure. That is one of the very first things you need to learn in life, because life is essentially meaningless for people void of that knowledge.

Believe on God the Father! Fully Trust in Jesus Christ! Love your Creator First and Foremost. Then, when a beloved family member dies, the God of all comfort will make His Grace sufficient for your grief. He graciously did that for my poor Christian family way back in 1954, when my Mother died young.

But, because Yoneko knew not her Creator God and His comfort, in her deep misery and sorrow she stepped in front of a train to take her own life. God ordained that she survive that suicide attempt, but those large iron wheels cut off both of her legs just above the knees, her left arm above the elbow, and the last 2 fingers on her right hand.

As she was recovering in the hospital in deeper despair than ever, 3 or 4 Christian students from her high school came to visit her. In her bitterness, at first she was rude to them. But they continued to come to show her Christ’s Compassion, and won her to the Lord. She married one of those Christian guys. God blessed them with 2 daughters. And for the rest of her life, Yoneko went thru out Japan and even to the U.S. telling everyone how wonderful Jesus is.

You talk about living happily ever after, that is exactly what Yoneko did after Jesus found her!    

From 1975 to 1977, I met Yoneko in person 2 or 3 times in Karuizawa, Japan, when she spoke in the Union Church there. Soon after Yoneko started speaking, most all of us were weeping as she spoke so victoriously of life in Christ. Yoneko is now in Heaven.

You Christian parents and all you adults who teach children about God; from the start, teach them to trust in their Creator, and to love Him First and Foremost. That is the only sure Anchor for a young soul (or any soul) when death takes away the people they love the most.

Sweet Precious Lord Jesus, You are always closer to me than anyone else. You are nearer and dearer to me than anyone in my family. When Daddy is away, You are still with me. When Mother is in the next room or out in the yard, or gone to town, You are still right close beside me. You fill my heart with love, joy, and peace, no matter what happens to me. Everything with always be just fine, as long as I cleave to Thee, Precious Lord Jesus. So that is what I always want to do. So please draw me ever so close to Thee, and by Thy Almighty Power, hold me up from falling and always be ever so close to me, I plead.

Please lead Missionary Richard to the Japanese around him who are as sad as Yoneko was that awful night when she stepped in front of that train to end her life. Please give him the exact words to speak to each hurting soul, that will deeply touch that person and give them understanding of Thy Love for them and persuasive words that will bring them to trust fully in Thee, Lord Jesus, to be saved eternally. Amen.”

You can read a longer more detailed account of Yoneko in Chapter 7 of my book, Safety, Rest, And Quiet. Also, if you search the name Yoneko on the Net, you might turn up some video of her life story in English.

“Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” (Revelation 22:20) “My Precious Lord God, please come right now, to take us Christian believers Home to Heaven to be with Thee! Please! Amen”

Richard Yerby  (Matsuida, Japan)  www.Christ-is-all.us



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